Sunday, October 19, 2014

Benefits of Incorporating Interactive Marketing Tactics

The traditional and conventional approaches to marketing such as TV or radio broadcast, or print campaigning are becoming things of the past. The newest way to effectively reach a large target audience is to implement interactive marketing campaigns. These interactive marketing campaigns use things such as personalized social media to help the consumer engage in the products they like most; their mobile devices as an aid to help the consumer customize their experience, and many other interactive channels. With the use of interactive marketing the consumer is participating and personalizing their wants and needs so the brand(s) can better cater to the individualized experience. There are several benefits for brands and retailer who use interactive marketing.

Interactive Marketing is increasing brand sharing and recognition  
With interactive marketing the consumer becomes more engaged because the campaign is hands on and personalized to create individual experiences. This enhanced consumer experience and engagement will result in increased satisfaction which leads to consumer sharing. When a consumer has a good experience with a brand or retailer they likely share their experience with friends, family, or through satisfaction reviews. An example of this is the “design your own” marketing technique. When you give the consumer control to personalize their taste and then encourage them to share it, it increases brand awareness. Lay’s chip company did this when they told the consumers to come up with a new chip flavor and then share it on their Facebook app and hashtag it on Twitter.

Personalization of marketing creates an individualized experience for the consumer to keep them coming back for more

Info 3.0 : interactive marketing tactics: listen to ‘interactive marketing tactics’ on audioBoom
The ability to have personalized information to use to tailor to certain consumer groups is a major advantage of interactive marketing. The consumer does the “hard part” by personalizing their tastes, wants, and needs; it the marketers that use this information to segment the consumers into groups where they can more intimately cater to their needs. This level of customization through personalization that interactive marketing uses helps the consumer feel like are the in charge. Retailers or brands that use loyalty point systems is an example of how the personalization is key to keeping the customer happy, and then customizing that information and marketing it to them interactively is what keeps them coming back.

Positive experiences are key to interactivity to increase consumer spending and loyalty
Info 3.0 : marketing channels: listen to ‘marketing channels’ on audioBoom
The positive brand or retail experience is created through personalization but made successful by interactivity. The traditional and non-interactive marketing techniques does not keep the consumer as engaged as interactive marketing. They forget what they were reading or what promotion they saw in the weekly newsletter.. But when the campaign is providing motivation for participation people find it less of a bombardment. The interactivity makes the consumer feel as if their opinion is being considered and then it builds positive recognition of the brand. The interactivity that creates the positive brand/retail association will help the consumer filter out any advertising messages they feel to be generic. This positive experience can be created through creating personalized emails, having mobile access to the brands you most use, or sending brand specific promotions to the stores the consumer most often frequents.
listen to ‘marketing channels’ on audioBoom

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